Standardizing steps and automating the process for precision early diagnosis and predictive testing in colorectal cancer to optimize the timeline to final result
Diagnosis and treatment – Pain assessment and management methods are generally subjective with no consensus up to date.
Our study aims to improve overall management of cancer patients (WP2) by integrating subjective and objective assessment tools for an individualized patient-centered approach and by providing early palliative care that could improve patients’ compliance to specific cancer therapeutic methods.

For the implementation of the proposed project, it will be considered not only to follow a mechanical-linear sequence, but to a certain extent a circular-recurrent logic of action will be followed.
The proposed and presented methodology is focused on clearly defining the responsibilities of the management team members and their relationship with the project manager.
The implementation will take place both on the administrative and functional side and involves:
- establishing the internal procedures for the implementation of the project (definition of job descriptions, methods of intermediate evaluation of the project’s activities);
- timely programming of activities according to the proposed schedule;
- monitoring the progress of the project in terms of the inclusion of activities in the estimated budget and in the time schedule;
- preparation of the activities included in the project
- timely and accurate provision of the necessary information to the project manager for making decisions regarding the smooth running of the project;
- establishing the precise tasks of each member of the project team;
- modification of the schedule regarding the development of the project’s activities, with the exact definition of the time periods in which an activity is carried out and its appropriation by all team members;
- organization of public procurement procedures;
- keeping separate financial and accounting records for the project.
Date de contact
Institutul Oncologic
Prof. Dr.I. Chiricuta
Str. Republicii nr. 34-36
RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca.
cod fiscal 4547125
Compartiment Relații Publice
Tel: 0743124005