Increasing the capacity of oncology centers by implementing the EDA components within the RNCC (personalized medicine, telemedicine,molecular tumor board, imaging systems), piloting using multi-omic data within the IOCN CLUJ

A great scientific impact of this project is to develop and implement the concept of a Tumor Molecular Board and personalized medicine in the care process of oncology patients, integrating multi-omics data with classical one (histology, radiology, imaging, biochemistry, etc), for comprehensive evaluation of the oncological patient and access to innovative therapies, defined as personalized medicine.
In collaboration with its partners, IOCN will develop complex personalized prevention/prediction models, based on the application of advanced technologies and artificial intelligence, to improve personalized prevention/prediction models based on multi-omics data. Based on these, the impact of our research will be in relationship with the EU Mission of Cancer, including Understanding, Prevention, Diagnosis and treatment, and Quality of life approaches.
From a technological point of view, a great impact is given by developing a digitized network of the regional cancer registry comprising the patients’ electronic files; this digitized network will have a great impact on improving the collection and quality of data needed for implementing research projects. Moreover, will contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and patient satisfaction.
Date contact
Institutul Oncologic
Prof. Dr.I. Chiricuta
Str. Republicii nr. 34-36
RO-400015 Cluj-Napoca.
cod fiscal 4547125
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Tel: 0743124005